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Known as one of the funniest shows of all time, The Office has a reputation for hilarity that’s well-deserved. But what you might not know is that the bloopers are often just as funny as the final takes! The Office cast is so comedically talented that sometimes they can’t help but crack each other up. Check out our roundup of the top The Office bloopers to see what we mean – we promise you’ll be laughing out loud in no time!

The Office Bloopers -  Season 3

If you love Michael, Dwight, Pam, and the gang, then you’re sure to love this blooper reel! It’s jam-packed with funny moments. From cast members cracking jokes to simply cracking up on camera – both in and out of character – it’s a pretty hilarious watch. One of the biggest highlights has to be Dwight and Angela in the trees – Rainn Wilson makes Angela Kinsey laugh so hard that she breaks character. Jenna Fischer sneezing in the middle of a scene is also pretty hilarious. If you’re a fan of The Office, don’t miss this blooper reel!

The Office Bloopers - Season 4

This blooper reel from Season 4 of The Office starts out strong and does not disappoint. We have to say - watching Steve Carell struggle to say, “I am a good guy who runs over women with his car,” with a straight face is particularly hilarious. But it’s not the only highlight. The infamous dinner scene spawned a number of sidesplitting bloopers, and it’s clear that the cast really struggled to get through the scene without laughing! We think the best part is when all of the actors are crying with laughter as they try to tape the conversation about the TV. This is the one The Office blooper reel that you absolutely cannot miss.

The Office Bloopers - Season 5

The Office really is a funny show. Need proof? Just watch this blooper reel. The show is literally so comical that the cast members regularly break into laughter at their own jokes. Watch as Rainn Johnson just can’t keep it together during one of Dwight’s signature monologues. Andy harassing Jim while dressed as a lion is also pretty funny – especially when everyone just cracks up laughing by the end of the take. And don’t forget the clip of Brian Baumgartner (Kevin) comically missing his chair in the middle of a scene. We definitely recommend giving this The Office blooper reel a watch!

The Office Bloopers - Season 7

Have you ever wanted to watch the cast of The Office well and truly lose it with laughter? Then this is the video for you! Nearly every cast member breaks into giggles at least once during this blooper reel. We'd dare you to try not to laugh along, but we already know it's impossible! In addition to the giggles, there are also some pretty funny physical gags in this reel. A piece of film falls on Pam’s head during a take and Michael Scott tosses a pizza into the air – and right onto the camera! We can’t recommend this blooper reel highly enough!

The Office - Funniest Bloopers

Short on time? Want a blooper reel that includes outtakes from multiple seasons instead of just one? Then this is The Office blooper reel for you! Watch as the cast cracks up over their own hilarity. Highlights include Michael describing drinking and Kelly incorrectly telling Jim about celebrity babies. Just try to keep a straight face while watching this blooper reel!

Still not enough laughter? We’ve got you covered! Check out our roundup of the best Parks & Rec bloopers for more entertainment!