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Seinfeld has gone down in history as one of the funniest shows ever. This 90s show is practically comedy royalty! But did you know that some of the bloopers are even funnier than the material that made it to air? We’ve rounded up some of the most hilarious Seinfeld bloopers on the internet. Watch the cast cracking up, making mistakes, and just generally being hilarious. If you’re a comedy fan, you absolutely can’t miss these sidesplitting videos!

Seinfeld Bloopers - Seasons 1 & 2

Whether you’re new to the show or just wanting to take a little trip down memory lane, these Seinfeld bloopers from Seasons 1 & 2 are just the thing! Highlights include Jerry flinging boxes to cover up the fact that he dropped an item during a scene and Julia absolutely cracking up in the middle of the infamous flaming menu scene. Kramer shaking Jerry during the “Cable Boy!” bit is also pretty hilarious – especially because the actors repeatedly dissolve into laughter during multiple takes. We highly recommend checking out these early Seinfeld blooper reels for yourself!

Seinfeld Bloopers - Season 3

From Jerry and Julia laughing over liquifying cookies to Jason Alexander flubbing his line right out of the gate, there’s a lot to love in this Season 3 Seinfeld blooper reel. Michael Richards struggling to get the car engine to turn over while the rest of the cast dissolves into laughter is another truly hilarious scene. This blooper reel is chock-full of moments where the cast is struggling to speak through their laughter and we have to say – watching them trying to save each take is just as funny as the stuff that made it onto the air!

Seinfeld Bloopers - Season 9

Seinfeld’s 9th and final season delivers some truly hysterical blooper content. Some of the highlights include George Alexander struggling to get his lines out around his laugher and Julia Louis-Dreyfus forgetting that she couldn’t just stand there and watch the hilarity, but was actually supposed to be participating in the scene! The final blooper on the reel comes from the infamous Merv Griffin Show and involves the whole cast slowly breaking down into a fit of giggles – trust us, if you’re a Seinfeld fan, you won’t want to miss this epic blooper reel!

Seinfeld Blooper: Elaine and Frank Costanza

Seinfeld’s most famous blooper can be traced to a single scene. In it, the late Jerry Stiller, who brilliantly portrayed George’s father, makes the cast laugh so hard that they struggle to continue the scene.  At one point, Jason Alexander falls onto the floor laughing. We can’t recommend this blooper clip highly enough!

Seinfeld Bloopers - Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Did you know that Julia Louis-Dreyfus won an Emmy for her role as Elaine on Seinfeld in 1996? It’s easy to see why – the actress is hilarious! For proof, just check out this hysterical compilation of Seinfeld bloopers featuring Julia as Elaine. At one point, she even teases her costars about her Emmy win while they all try to pull themselves together to finish the scene. Trust us - if you just can’t get enough of Elaine, then this is the blooper reel for you!

Want to keep laughing? Check out our roundup of the best bloopers from Everybody Loves Raymond!