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The Big Bang Theory ran from 2007 – 2019 and still has a strong fan base, so it’s clear that the geeky comedy really resonated with many fans. And indeed, the on-air jokes are pretty hilarious and the cast is super talented. But no actor is really immune to the blooper – hey, it happens! We’ve rounded up all of the funniest The Big Bang Theory bloopers right here. Whether you’re a huge fan or just a casual watcher, these clips will have laughing out loud faster than you can say, “Bazinga!”

The Big Bang Theory - Best Bloopers

From stuck seatbelts to flubbed lines, this video takes you through some of the funniest bloopers from The Big Bang Theory. Kaley Cuoco whispering, “What’s my line? I forgot,” after Jim Parsons has just nailed his own line is particularly funny. If you don’t have a lot of time, this video is short and sweet without skimping on any of the laughs you’re craving. We highly recommend you give it a watch!

The Big Bang Theory Bloopers & Outtakes

From getting distracted by food that’s just too tasty to forgetting their lines halfway through, the cast of The Big Bang Theory has had some pretty entertaining bloopers over the years. Check out this 10-minute compilation of them flubbing up. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the show or just casually tune in for the reruns, these The Big Bang Theory bloopers will have you laughing in no time!

The Big Bang Theory - Funniest Bloopers

There are so many little moments of hilarity in this video that we can’t just pick one favorite. It starts out with Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik discussing which lines were the hardest for them to say and goes right into a hilarious compilation of bloopers from the show. From Howard’s card trick gone wrong to multiple forgotten cues, there’s a lot to enjoy. This video also reveals that the cast member who broke character the most often on set was none other than Kayley Cuoco. And we have to say – watching her break character to make a funny comment or burst into laughter is pretty entertaining! Trust us – you don’t want to miss it.

The Big Bang Theory Bloopers -  Season 12

The Big Bang Theory’s season 12 blooper reel is chock-full of funny moments. From ill-timed coughs to ill-suppressed giggles, there’s a lot to laugh about here. But we think one of the biggest highlights is when Kunal Nayyar’s Raj accidentally rants, “I may be scared of butterflies…what?!” It’s a very Raj moment! Watching Jim Parsons accidentally forget the science bits while in character as Sheldon is also pretty funny. We have to assume Sheldon would not approve! If you’re a fan of the show, don’t miss these hilarious The Big Bang Theory bloopers from the final season!

The Big Bang Theory Bloopers - Penny

On set, Kayley Cuoco was known as the one most likely to break character. From missed cues to flubbed lines to a simple case of the giggles, this video of The Big Bang Theory bloopers is dedicated to Kayley Cuoco’s Penny. Perhaps one of the funniest moments included is Cuoco’s genuine (and very in-character!) confusion about the Vulcan salute; the whole crew bursts out laughing at that one! If you’re a Penny fan, you absolutely can’t miss this entertaining blooper reel.

Want more nerdy fun? Check out our roundup of the funniest bloopers from Star Trek!